honey honey honey, hi! halloween! that time of year came and went once again and i really pulled out all the stops. my past 3 years worth of costumes have been truly excellent, if you ask me; but i think its actually possible that this was my best yet?? i'm working on some oral path homework over here so this is going to have to be a brief one, unfortunately. i'll share mine and my friends costumes and then you can head to my flickr to see the rest, hm?
let's just cut to the chase here:
i mean........okay.
and here is naomi with another one of her genius "day of" creations:
and kiki:
the whole motley crew:
what a fun night! next year we are REALLY going to try to finally get the brand names people project going. start thinking now! i guess i will be raisin girl. eh. maybe someone will be kind and let me be land'o'lakes. i've never been an indian before!
okay enough of that, i am clearly too distracted to write like a normal human. feeling and certainly feeling over here and i'm kinda trying to work it all out? i mean....duh. what's new and such, but this time its really different? I SWEAR. something is different and its no less than a struggle almost every day to not be hazy when i walk down the street. lots of suggestions have been made but i'm just going with my internal instincts on this one. i guess if i'm ever cured you'll be the first to know.
and now i'm back to neoplasias and thinking about tomorrow and the next day and the next day and the next day. "hug muffin loaf with extra sprinkles of vibes and joy"