(no subject)

Jan 26, 2004 19:06

*~General Stuff~*
1. Name Sam
2. Name backwards Mas
3. Nickname Sammie or Samantha believe it or not
4. What name or nickname would you give yourself if you could? Stoopid... Just cuz I like the way it is spelt
5. Birthday 3/31/88
6. Astrological sign Aries
7. Do you think you really should be the astrological sign you are? (ie if you're a gemini but don't have a split personality at all, etc.) Yup
8. Where do you live? In the middle of nowhere miles away from everyone... Cept E

9. How many people are in your immediate family? 4 (not including me)
10. Who do you live with? Family Unit
11. Do you have any pets? A sister and two dogs
12. Where is your family from originally? England and Ireland
13. Who do you like most in your family (immediate or extended) Umm Mother prolly even tho she can be means sometimes
14. Who do you dislike most? Victoria for obvious reasons
15. What traits from your family do you see in yourself? Umm I dunno

16. How many people do you consider a best or close friend? 5
17. Do you think you have enough friends? Sure
18. Who is the stupidest? Jeff or Jeremy
19. Wierdest? Josh by far...
20. Wildest? Katie... Lol... And that one time in Zionsville...
21. Most happy? Katie right now
22. Most sad? Katy P... She didn't seem too happy last time I talked to her
23. Introverted? Jeff
24. Extroverted? I dunno
25. Loudest? Ummm I dunno I prolly am outta everyone I know

*~Love Life~*
26. Taken or single? Single *does her 'Im single' dance*
27. If taken to 26, who?
28. What is the something thing someone could do to make you like them? I dunno it depends
29. What is the best thing a b/f or g/f could do for you? A simple kiss really gets me
30. What qualities do you look for in a boy or girl? Wierd and intelligent
31. What physical things attract you to a boy/girl? Eyes and hands
32. What's the scariest/worst thing that could happen in a relationship? Rape, him leaving me for someone prettier

*~Have You/Will You Ever...~*
33. Drink? yeah/maybe when it's legal
34. Smoke? yeah/no
35. Do drugs? sadly yes/no
36. Have sex before your married? no/yeah
37. Regardless of how you answered the aforementioned questions (no one's judging so be honest), why do you feel that way? Because I wanna 'shop around' for the best one
38. Have an insane religious conversion for no real apparent reason? yeah/yeah
39. Stay out until the sun comes up? yeah/yeah
40. Pick up someone in a really dingy bar? no/yeah
41. Make out (or worse!) in public? yeah/yeah
42. Gone somewhere in support of a friend or b/f g/f that you really hated or felt totally stupid? yeah/yeah

43. Who is your favorite teacher? Umm Mrs. Roll or Mrs. Pea
44. What's your fav class (lunch is NOT a class)? Chemistry
45. What class would you drop in about a millisecond? None
46. Who was your all time favorite teacher? I dunno prolly will be Mrs. Roll
47. What was your best school year? None thus far
48. Who do you talk to most in school? Katie

50. Song Right now it would be either "The After Dinner Payback" - From Autumn To Ashes OR "Delirium Trigger" - Coheed and Cambria
51. Food Peanut butter or chocolate syrup
52. Season Fall
53. Time of Day Dusk
54. Book Either The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy or Blackwood Farm
55. Movie Finding Nemo or League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
56. Tv Show I Love The 80's/70's/60's
57. Radio station X103
58. Band Coheed and Cambria or Kidney Thieves
59. Place to shop Goodwill, Target or J/C Penny's
60. Thing to do Sleep and eat
61. Place to be In my bed or on my couch
62. Thing My written journal

*~Random Questions~*
63. If you could go back in time what period and place would you go? I would go back to The Elizabethan times and be a nobleswoman... heh I like them corsets
64. What's your totally ideal date? We go to a movie, eat at Steak N Shake then go to the park and stargaze

*~The Future~*
65. What do you want to be when you grow up? Forensic Pathologist
66. Where do you want to live? New Orleans
67. Do you want to get married? Yeah maybe one day
68. What kind of car do you want to drive? Umm Land Rover
69. Do you want kids? How many? yeah, 2

*~Final Questions~*
70. Describe the person who sent this to you in 5 words. Crazy, Dizzy, Blonde (but in a good way I promise!), fun and Katie
71. Are you glad this crazy quiz is finally over? Sure why not
72. What is your favorite quote? An eye for an eye makes the world go blind - Ghandi
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