You are Invited!

Mar 09, 2005 14:25


Yesterday, Paul-who-is-almost-two-and-my-cousin danced in his carseat because I had Mobley's hip-hop mix on. Bridget-who-is-five-and-my-cousin, asks me, "Jessie, put the one on that goes 'And I try and I try'." She is referring to Bjork and PJ Harvey's cover of "Satisfaction". Claire-who-is-four-and-my-cousin requests (or, demands) Joanna Newsom.


I am coming home for the summer to work at the shell shop and create magic and mischief all over. I will, generally, have weekends+ free. So, I have been making summery plans. Lots of them. Because I love plans, especially those having to do with summer. I will see Stacey and Allen (or is it Alan?) Jordaan and Matt, Matt and Zoe, Vinnie, Jazz, Beth, you? I am planning a road-trip and other such things. Do you want to get in on the fun? Sure you do.

I am trying not to think about the future, because I just become overwhelmed and the last time I talked to my mom and I wasn't very okay she mentioned that maybe I was homesick to which I was very quiet. I don't have TIME to be homesick; I am too busy making macaroni and cheese!! :) I don't know how I am. For now, I am happy because I have REdiscovered Jamie's mixed cd (Jamie I sooo adore it!) and have been endlessly listening to "You are Invited" by the dismemberment plan and "this Charming Man" by DCFC.

I feel the urge to own a picnic blanket. It just seems like something I should have to my name.

There is an anti-war open mic at this hip little cafe and if I can get my self together and get my music together, I will go and win everyone over with an anti-war song. Hah.

I am learning to knit, in preparation of being old with Matt.

I buzzed my hair several weeks ago; I don't know if I told you.

My four-track recorder isn't working.

I am reading Chocolat, but not eating it.


I'm finished. Good place to stop as any, right?
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