Nov 17, 2004 22:06
Today is such a happy day!!!
I babysat rosey after preschool, and she slept well the night before so she was soooo happy! Like glowy glowy crazy off the walls exciteable grinning ear to ear happy!!! She wrote her name "rosey" and my name "jessica" and her sister's name "bela" in my journal with a green marker, and with the hugest grin ever, she would coo, "BEEEE comes wiff BAYYYLUH!" "And EEEEEEEEEEEE!" "Here is EEHLLLLLLAH" (she would show me the letters in sign language, too), and "And an AAAAYYYHH!! -- Wait, how does an A go?" and then it would be finished and we would shriek with delight!
Also, I am happy because I learned about TOILETS IN JAPAN! Do you know about them???? In Japan, they had a study that showed that lots of people flushed the toilet while going to the bathroom, so they made a switch on their high-tech, throne-like toilets that had a flushing noise when you pressed the button, so it would cover your tracks and conserve water!!! Their toilets also have a spicket that comes out and will wash your bottom. You can adjust the temperature, water pressure, and where it squirts. AAAND the seats are warm! How SINTILLATING!!
Also (don't laugh), I watched Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights (okay laugh) and it made me soooo happy! And danceable! I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY LIKE TO DANCE.
And this is all because of Rosey!!!! I love rosey! She is my loverer! We cuddled on the couch and we fixed pig tails in each others hair and I kept walking through town and looking at people and things and thinking "All of this will be gone in one month."