May 22, 2005 16:51
Well, what to put for a first entry.....
I would love to be writing something fantastically witty, stylish, creative and of course wondefully intellectual, but really the combination of too much drink, smoke, sleep (or not enough?) over a rather long weekend tends to stifle the mind's usually-superior talents somewhat (well, that's my excuse, at least)
I am lying on a friend's sofa enveloped by a sheet, with a laptop perched on my lap (funnily enough) that is feeling worryingly hot, in fact I am rather concerned that this electrical appliance might spontaneously burst into flames any second. Or at least do my thighs some serious heat-related damage. But anyway.... it will soon be time to leave this sofa which I have been sinking further and further into all day long and actually use my legs to drag myself to that promised land which I have heard talked about so often but can only peice together the haziest of memories of..... the pub round the corner from my old halls of residence. Oh yes, back to the old skool.