Mar 11, 2005 22:39
annie said today that ive been a lot happier lately and i do believe shes right. i dont know what it is, but sometimes i get these random spurts of happiness and it feels really good. but right now, im feeling down in the dumps. but only cause i ate a lot of fondue and thats how you're supposed to feel after you eat that much. i should really learn when to stop. but this incident wasnt as bad as the last one, so im fine. i figured out all the catalina stuff today and it should be really fun. im looking forward to it. i just hope the people who said they would be able to go are able to go because if not, that would be a major bummer. tomorrow night annie jackie an i are having a trampo sesh which we havent had since like summer or maybe earlier this year. i cant even remember! but i do remember it was in the treehouse. maybe, i duno. but yeah im excited for that even though we dont know what we're going to talk about. i told my ma today that i could watch melrose place and knit for the rest of my life or at least everday for a month, and im pretty sure i could. melrose place has become my new obsession and knitting has just always been a nice thing to do while doing something else. it gives me the power to multitask without really multitasking at all!