Sep 02, 2004 20:09
What? my evening plans have me home by 8:00? Strange... Of course it was a staff party... (though they were strong margaritas..)
Well, school is still fun. It's taking up a lot of my time right now as expected. I swear i could totally stay in my room forever because there is so much to do. Now, maybe if i socialized less that would help me get things done, but really time just goes by so fast and setting up and planning and reading takes so much time. I just basically get too tired or hungry (or have somewhere to go) to stay too late.
You know, at first i was thinking how the only way that i could be more pleased with my job was if i had been hired at the Middle School i attended.. however, I was wrong. The way things have gone at this school and what I've scoped out/heard about the other schools in the past few days of district meetings, i must say that the tradeoff is worth it. I am at a great place of support and energy and kindness. I really feel like I'm in the best place I could be. It's very cool.
Well, no it's not. You see, only two classrooms in the whole school have malfunctioning air conditioning. They both belong to brand new teachers- one of them is me. The funny thing is that it's not just that the AC doesn't work, but it in fact blows hot air. Turning the AC on heats up the room! and it gets hot. It's supposed to be fixed by this time next week, but with 30 bodies in the room, it's going to be terrible. For now though i have a fan behind my desk blowing air on me while I work. Fortunatly, the heat hasn't stopped people from dropping in on me. This is one of the most fun things- having people stop in to talk or check stuff out. The first few days it was just a couple of the newer teachers, but today i had about three older ones come in.
Ohhh.. and Karryn says shes been looking for a biking partner! She suggested we bike after work.. It is yet to be seen if either of us have the energy to make that happen, but it sounds like a good idea thrown out there. I've met some really cool people
Today I thought it would be funny to be way dressed up. Why? Not sure, but showing up to the district meeting in a really nice shirt/pants/tie combo when everyone else was in T-Shirt and jeans was way funny and got fun reactions. *and i looked good.
Haha.. President Bush just spoke Spanish out of nowhere. Also, thanks to David Cross.. I can't even start to take the guy seriously when he says words like "killers" or "freedom."
I heard the story of how two of our teachers met and started dating. They had these elaborate themed dates for like thier first five dates, I'm so jelous of them pulling that off instead of going "that would be cool" and just sitting around, plus it was their first dates! That takes special people. They're my new heroes of adorability. They have since been married and have a cute baby.
Ok, some random and incomplete thoughts.. Kinda how my time has been spent. Being a new employee is overwhelming, but especially being a teacher adds piles on top of that, so my head is a lot like a pile of papers i have on my desk. Tons of information and people and things in one big unorganized pile- yet to be filed. That being said, things are awesome.
Ok, enough right? I'm sure all my teaching stuff is a bit redundant.>shrug<
I hope to see a lot of you tomorrow night!