A very small sample of my Grahamstown Arts Festival experience:
· Bus broke down for three hours in the middle of the Karoo. Strangely fun…
· Was offered weed three times.
· Saw most disgustingly dirty house in the history of the world. Dried lettuce on kitchen cabinets and too horrible to mention black soap in the bathroom.
· Saw a few brilliant shows (Carmen, Tsotsi) a few very weird ones (old man who wrote poems about animals including aardvarks, seahorses and othropuci which he sang to the few out of tune chords from his guitar that he couldn’t play and a little hairless Asian man that groped himself while an old lady splattered finger paint on a board projected onto a screen) and a heck of a lot of African dancing.
· Was referred to as part of ‘The Bulge’ by a short, chubby young lay that rushes at food armed with a plate.
I will post some less revolting photos soon...