"he's cheated on me with a hoochie woman..."

Mar 07, 2007 00:19

Honestly, I listen to Tori and it is an instant cure and inspiration to go out and kick the world's ass haha so eloquent. But seriously!

I had a bad day today. I bombed a presenation, which was already a second-chance presentation. I just don't know what's wrong with me!! I am so out of it. I was really paranoid about it, thought I was going to be sick...and I never get that way before a presentation! I had smart things to say but I got up there and I choked...I was a bumbling idiot, I don't think I even formed complete sentences. Oh well, at least it's over. And semiotics cheered me up afterwards. I love a class where you get to read/talk about Batman comics. UofW should really have a class (well I think it should be a whole area of study but you know...baby steps) on comics/graphic novels. I would definitely take it. Speaking of which: any suggestions for good comic books to read? I think I'm at a place where I want to get into anything and everything. I mean I've always been interested in them, but it's so intimidating...the culture of it I guess.

The field trip for my Mennonite class was sooo boring and it was the one i was supposed to be ansking questions in...but this one girl kept sticking her damn hand up before I could! She was a huuuge brown-noser hahaha. We were also supposed to make buttons tonight but that didn't happen either. At least I got to hang out with Meagan for a bit, but poor girl, I was in such a foul mood!

One good thing that happened today: Margarita said SoMM could have a table at the Women's Week Concert on Thursday! Maybe Emm Gryner will get all of our issues and become our biggest fan hahaha. I hope she plays her cover of "Pour Some Sugar on Me"! I hope everyone is coming! I will be wo-manning the table with Ellie and perhaps Caroline, I believe. We'll have free zines, maybe some coloured zines for sale, as well as some buttons and stickers and other fun stuff for a mere pittance (that will go towards the next printing, not towards drink in our bellies, we promise :P). We should really get on the T-shirt making train now that I think of it...but definitely not for Thursday. Oh man I would love a SoMM shirt! So modest...haha. oh the shameless self-promotion! Anyone have the machinery it takes to make T-shirts? "You can keep your hoochie woman, cause, boy, I bring home the bacon..." mmmhmm!!

Also, in the past few moments of bored internet surfing, my day has become exponentially better! Muse is playing in London in May(opening for MCR...wtf is up with that? MCR should be opening for them...). Two of my favourite men are playing very soon: Hawksley Workman is playing in Guelph in April (yeah the newer one was pretty disappointing...Anger is Beauty, wtf? but the old stuff is good and I am EXTEREMELY attracted to this man. Maybe I'll get backstage for some groupie action hahaha oh god.) and Rufus Wainwright is playing at the Danforth Theatre in Toronto in June. What's that, a concert every month you say? I can't friggin wait! Meagan (and anyone else of course) tell me if you're into this (by this I mean Rufus and Hawksley - I know you aren't into the Muse action).

I've been getting some really nice comments about my writing in the latest SoMM. I guess that's a good sign, right? It's so flattering...and crazy. I can't talk about it, I get too embarassed haha.

I only have 4 more weeks of school!! yeeeah! Then I'm free for life. How completely insane is that?! I must be a hermit for the next month so that I actually do graduate haha. But, oh, how I'm craving another random Saturday of excess with my nearest and dearest. But I must be a hermit. Don't lure me with your devil drink and your lurid dance and your wonderful company! (By 'don't', I mean 'do'!)
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