I'm gonna BATCH-SLAP you, shitbag!

Aug 23, 2006 21:38

Felt the need for an update on my life, considering as how classes started today. While I think I will enjoy most of my classes, more or less, I realized today how much my schedule sucks. Five classes. Three on Mondays and Wednesdays, two on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and only one on Friday. However, every day, other than Friday, my classes last for five to six hours. I couldn't work my schedule so that all my classes were back to back. I definitely didn't think this one through.

My first class, Intro to Mass Communication Law, was at 11 am. The past two days, my kidney stone has decided to start up again and rack my body with pain randomly throughout the day. And, of course, it decided to hit during my first class. I think it's in my ureter now (sorry for the medical dialogue) because the pain is very low in my abdomen near my groin. And the pain just comes in waves every 15 seconds or so. So I'm sitting in this class for an hour and fifteen minutes, practically holding my crotch because I stupidly think applying pressure to the area will in some way relieve it (not so). And at this point, the waves of pain are accompanied with waves of nausea and the slight urge to vomit.

It was very, very hard to convince myself to just tough it out for five more hours and not wander helplessly back to the apartment. But I didn't want to miss the first day of classes. I was proud of myself, though, knowing my track record for skipping class just to sleep.

I'm determined to cut that habit out. It helps that my classes seem more interesting and more geared to what I enjoy doing, but I really want to make better grades this semester. I really miss that feeling of knowing I kicked ass in a class, or simply just kicked ass on a test or an essay.

Which brings me to another point...I feel like such a nerd because I am seriously looking forward to my American Lit class. And the reason I got so excited was because of the prospect of writing a paper. A paper analyzing a piece of literature. I haven't done that since freshman year, and that's something I enjoy doing...mostly because I'm pretty badass at doing it. :)

And my World History since 1945 class...Generally, I have come to hate history classes in college. Because I suck ass in them. BUT, my teacher seems pretty cool. He's almost adorable in a premature-balding sort of way. He reminds me of someone, but I can't put my finger on it. It'll hit me randomly sometime later.

Anyway, I had something profound to say earlier, but by the time I sat down to write about it, it slipped my mind. And it seems kind of emo, now that I think about it. So I'll save that for a later post. I have to be up before 7 am tomorrow for an 8 am News Editing class that lasts about three hours. I'm ecstatic, as you can tell. Really.

Sorry for the insanely unnecessary length of this post! I was just in a talking mood. Oh, and just for your knowledge...I now own a kitten. My very own kitten. A two-month old tabby male kitten. I am so weak. Mention none of this to my mother, or you're dead. Meaning, I will kill you before my mom can kill me for buying a fucking cat.

...but he's adorable!
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