Oct 02, 2007 01:03
I totally messed up my monologue today in auditions class and started to cry. AHAHHEHEHEHEHEH. How sad am I? It was really really bad. I made up the third monologue and ended with FUCK YOU! I basically dedicated that last monologue to myself for my ridiculousness. The Brown Bag was funny and fun and the new Black girl who is hecka cool told me that I inspired her and that her friends who thought acting was dumb now think it's the coolest major and she is cool because of me. That was awesome to hear. Audition wasn't bad today, I actually sung well for once though I don't think I will get a callback. I am tre ti(red) but that's alright. I almost passed out like 3 times (i typed days first?) today. I need to learn to act like a human and eat a meal. I didn't eat anything until 10 tonight alll day. I was dehydrated from crying and I had dance class and went to the gym. Well lookey there, I am well on my way to starting a disorder if I am not careful. I feel sick now because my stomach was too small for a meal since I didn't eat anything. Silly.
The fishies need new water. Silly fishies.
Hey CATHERINE, Julie came to my house for the party becauseshe is friends with my friends...I remember picking her up to come hang out at our house last year...hecka small world/campus.
Hmmmmmm...I had more stuff to update but I forgot. Till latas gatas.