Jun 07, 2007 14:27
It's my last day as Pecola. Wierd. The show has been so crazy. I finished two finals. The clown final was absolutely horrible. It felt like it was going on forever and no one knew what they were doing. All the parts I worked on with Samantha were really funny and she had some other really funny parts. YAYers Samantha! Too bad I couldn't do the same for myself. Anyway, my room is clean and my parents are going to fix the dryer, stuff for next year is all figured out and I have finals and papers due next week. One turned in today. I am so tired and this weekend at some point I am going to do some heavy fun reading. That will put me back at ease. I need to drink more water and I have to give myself a skin treatment very soon. Laso, Mos Depp needs a water change. Silly fishie! I love that lil guy. I am so0o0oo0o tense my shoulders hurt. I still can't find my balck eyeliner. Weird. I am so scared for tonight. I hope it goes well. Till laters