5 Shows to Catch in 2011

Feb 02, 2011 14:47

Hello ladies, I bring for you a picspam! It's a bit late to post this since it's already February, but I'm doing it anyway because I can, hurhur.

5. Skins Series 5

After losing 2 generations of awesome, rebellious teenagers, I'm more used to seeing new faces. Just from the first episode, it's got such a happy, carefree vibe which reminds me of S1 (which I adore!) and I'm already starting to pick my favourite characters. I do hope they break out the stereotype of "Oh, she's the bitchy one" and "Here's the cool guy who makes everything okay!" I think we're in good hands though and I'm definitely looking forward to what Series 5 brings, especially after the dismal Series 4 finale.

4. Community Season 2

I love Community with all my heart, it gave me one of my favourite female characters of all time - Britta Perry. So far, we're Mid-Season and to be honest, it hasn't been smooth sailing and there's been quite alot of disappointing episodes for me. I really like how ambitious the show tries to be, but sometimes it just falls short and I feel a bit like...meh. I still love this show dearly, Pierce's antics are always amusing and I'm totally for scenes with Jeff shirtless/with wet t-shirt. BUT The next half of Season 2 better be amazing...ok, homeslice?

3. Modern Family Season 2

I like how Modern Family slowly creeps its way into my heart and then BAM! I'm in love. It's like how my favourite couple in Season 1 was Cameron & Mitchell but now, I feel the Dunphies should deserve this title. I can see how Claire was won over by Phil's goofiness and I think I am too. The first half of the season has been pretty great, there's not a single episode I really hate. This show almost always delivers and I expect nothing but greatness for the Dunphy-Pritchett-Tuckers.

2. Parks & Recreation Season 3

When Season 1 was over, I felt a bit iffy about Ben and Chris but already two episodes in, and I'm head over heels for them. Especially Ben. How can someone make falling in love so adorabe??? I'm totally excited about the Ben/Leslie romantic arc this season and Andy/April too, of course. The amazing thing about Parks & Rec is that I love every single character, usually I can get a bit iffy about certain characters on shows (like Cook or Abed) but I really love everyone. From Ron Fucking Swanson to April and even Jerry, they're all extremely dear to me.

1. Doctor Who Series 6

As if I could be any less predictable, my number 1 has to be Doctor Who. Even with the horrible Cold Blood two-parter, I absolutely adore Series 5, it had so many brilliant episodes like Amy's Choice, Vincent and the Doctor, The Eleventh Hour etc. I feel more inclined towards Moffat's writing, he doesn't belittle any of the characters for the sake of the storyline or whatever (which I felt was Russell T Davies' greatest flaw). One part for me also aches for 11, I miss his "hair of a factory", his long limbs and his clumsinesss. And don't get me started on Amy Pond - SHE. IS. THE. GREATEST. Series 6 looks superb and exciting, I mean, look - Neil Gaiman! America! River Song! It's just...WOW.

These caps have been edited and are not for personal or icon use. Please don't repost this on tumblr, they're all already here. Comments are greatly appreciated. Oh and to those who celebrate it, Happy Chinese New Year! :)

tv: parks & rec, tv: community, tv: skins, picspam, tv: doctor who, tv: modern family

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