Apr 19, 2006 10:06

I was reading in yesterday’s newspaper that there is a private school in England that is giving a one-hour class in … are you ready for this? … happiness.  Yes, a class to teach how to be happy.

Now it may seem silly that someone somewhere thinks that students need to be taught how to be happy.  But apparently the idea for the remedial class comes from the heretical belief circulating about that money, material possessions and/or a high position in society or business are not the source of all happiness.

Obviously we all know that this is wrong.  After all, doesn’t the promotion of envy in others by publicly displaying what one HAS or is getting make one automatically happy?  Having an in-your-face “I have this and you don’t” attitude?  Does anyone honestly think that when Bill Gates is alone that he does not have an occasional uncontrollable giggle of happiness over what he HAS?!

But seriously, think of the irony of it all.  Wealthy parents spending significant amounts of money to send their sons and daughters to school where the well-paid academics there will try to plant in their progeny’s heads the idea that happiness does not come from money and possessions.

Where’s the Spanish Inquisition when you need it?
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