Feb 23, 2008 15:57
Personally I like religious political candidates. The ones that take their religion seriously and practice it seriously. I know that that will bring gasps of horror for the liberal side of my audience, but hear me out.
The vast majority of religions tell their believers to ‘be good, do good, be honest, and help other folk which will pay off for them either on earth in this life or in Heaven/Paradise in the next. Generally, following that credo (whether the rewards are real or not) tends to make the true believers fairly good people to be around which is fair enough for me.
In politics you could check out a religious candidate's life against his/her religious rules of life. Did they lie, or were found cheating, fornicating, or walking over their friends, while outwardly professing their adherence to their particular religion’s rules? If they did knowingly break those rules then what fool would want to vote them into the highest office of a nuclear-armed country? "Hello Adolph? We have some voters for you."
Most dumb Americans seem to vote for the most glamorous candidate, who generally has no outward moral code beyond a personal drive for power and financial success. You can identify most of these candidates by how chummy they are with the professional liars of Hollywood. No don’t get me wrong here. I am not name-calling when I call the actors and actresses of the Movie Capital of the World liars. Their job, for which they are paid unbelievable amounts of money for, is to make you believe that on-screen they are someone other than who they are in real life. I have a whole DVD library of movies starring these liars and enjoy being successfully fooled by them -- when it is for purposes of entertainment.
But what type of presidential candidate easily associates with people whose profession it is to successfully lie to those watching or listening to them? What does this association bring to the candidates? Or perhaps more important, what does it say about their own character?
So give me some candidates with strong religious backgrounds and who have lived their lives up to this point without breaking the "rules for living" imparted by their religions.
Islam preaches intolerance for non-believers. At least you would know where you would stand with an Islamic presidential candidate. None of this "well last week I was against non-believers, this week I’m for them, but next week I’m calling my staff together to review the whole issue of implementing some meaningful dialogue which I hope will lead to progressive changes."