(no subject)

Sep 27, 2007 20:21


FurJam was great! Well for the most part anyway. I really enjoyed meeting some new furs and catching up with some that i haven't seen in a good while. The weekend consisted to my memory of mostly pubs, food... and furry randomness. While everything didn't go to plan (typical furs) i still enjoyed the weekend as a whole, the only change i would have made would have been to have spent some more time with Flame Drake, but no matter!

Apologies must go to Aussie Husky for the Sunday night of the weekend meet, there was a mixup with everything I don't want it to seem like i fucked off with everyone else! Though i'm not saying i didn't enjoy the pub on Sunday... those Germans know how to make good beer! *laughs*

Day - to - Day

Well apart from FurJam I've just been doing 'some' uni work, and working in general. I'm well on the way for saving for that UK trip next Jan and i'm getting that excited feel as the days roll off the calendar! Work isn't to bad, i should be buying a new laptop though the business in the near future which will let me do some work from home too so i don't have to stay back all the time.

Well for us Aussies, fathers day was quite afew weeks ago... Now as last minute presents go, wine is always a good choice! Especially when its a decent and somewhat expensive bottle. (yes i'm going somewhere with this!)

Now i don't see my dad often, which is probably a good thing because we don't see eye to eye on things... ever!... but hes my father none the less! So anyway, last night he came over to my grandmas house as we were having a small family get together with my sister, her b/f and my step dad. Of course you can't come to a Greek house for dinner empty handed, so what does he bring for my sister and her b/f as a present for cooking a lovely meal? That bottle of wine that i got him for Fathers Day! *growls*

I didn't say anything but it pissed me off, I know it was a last minute gift and all, and i know he probably forgot that i gave it to him... but it still burnt. Sorta just like a big fuck you, felt that way anyway. No worries though, looks like ill end up drinking it!

Oh and finally! I lose my license officially on the 31st of October... and get it back 31st of jan 2008! Not to bad i don't think, who likes to drive over the christmas period anyway?


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