25 song meme ... with international flair

Oct 01, 2008 10:03

* Put your music player on random.
* Post the first line from the first 25 songs that play, no matter how embarrassing the song.
* Let everyone guess what song and artist the lines come from. (just the song title will be good for #1, #16 and#18 although bonus points for country of origin)
* Bold the songs when someone guesses correctly.
* Looking them up on Google or any other search engine is CHEATING!
(this is actually the result of like the first thirty songs. I was nice and skipped instrumentals, as well as the few odd duplications that came up)

1. [four-word title of song], du fjällhöga nord, du tysta, du glädjerika sköna
2. Przystań na chwilę, zatrzymaj świat. Dokąd się śpieszysz? Nie zdążysz i tak.
3. [two-word song title], kroči i poskoči Ti si meni zapala za oči
4. Nu [three-word song title] sona lontanemente, e 'a musica se sente pe ll'aria suspirà
5. Ogrijalo sunce iznad mora tebi u čast, ljepotice moja ogrijalo sunce
6. When this world was younger, I fished the ocean sae deep and wide
7. Det var två själmar som gjorde råd [song title] (the spelling is what it sounds like it should be)
8. When I was a little boy and the devil called my name, I say now, who do, who do you think you're foolin'? (Artist unnamed yet) - Love Me Like A Rock Title guessed by redvixen
9. Kuinka monta vuotta virrat juoksikaan Ja kuinka paljon sadekausia saapuikaan
10. Sti poli tremosvini to fengari Ki an tin antehis ti skini (Transliteration only 'cause I'm too lazy to type Greek)
11. Tam na koncu mesta stara hiša spi Za devetim oknom deklica bedi
12. Who's that whisperin' in the trees? It's two sailors and they're on leave Cherry Poppin' Daddies - Zoot Suit Riot Guessed by k_fuego
13. Bide a wee ye bonnie hours o' sweet yestreen Haud awa' the thocht that e'er I will forget
14. Niech ktoś zatrzyma wreszcie świat, [two-word song title] Na pierwszej stacji, teraz, tu!
15. Ne moraš biti bogat i lijep samo budi dobar i pokloni mi cvijet
16. [two-word song title], leka och viska, lunderna kring likt älskande par
17. We are the lucky ones We shine like a thousand suns When all of the colour runs together
18. Ríðum, ríðum, rekum yfir sandinn, rennur sól á bak við Arnafell
19. Nyt nään [three word song title] Muistatko kun kuun sirpillää istuttiin ja talvi pakkasissa silloin kesästä haaveiltiin
20. O Silibrand körde uppå höga loftesvala Allt under den linden så gröna
21. Mama how do I begin to explain this situation we're in? Angels heard the beautiful words that you prayed and showed me the way to you
22.Tíminn líður hratt á gervihnatta öld hraðar sérhvern dag, hraðar sérhvert kvöld
23. Hot summer streets and the pavements are burning I sit around Trying to smile, but the air is so heavy and dry Ace of Base - Cruel Summer Guessed by redvixen
24. Lui tra mezz'ora arriverà Tu sei già pronta da un'ora [five-word song title]
25. Där komma två jungfrun på konungens bård (again, this is what the words sound like they should be)
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