Jan 08, 2009 20:16
Well, that'll teach me to get into "the zone" and write code. First I am interrupted by the moderately annoying beepy security cable alarm, meaning that someone has dared to move their machine. This is a fairly normal occurance, because no security system is complete without false positives that make everyone ignore it. Nothing a spot of Eric Clapton through the headphones can't deal with.
I did exclaim rather when this was unexpectedly followed a couple of minutes later by a rather loud siren. Where by "rather loud" I mean "could not converse with other people a couple of feet away". And where one of the sirens is in my bay. Ouch.
The impressive bit was when I left, I asked one of the security bods if they knew that the alarm was going off in the lab. "Oh, is that what that is?"
It's probably a good thing that there weren't any strangers in the lab with SWAG bags full of Apple kit.
In random security bod's defence, he did then radio it in and thank me for mentioning it. Maybe the masochists who stayed in the lab will get the alarm shut off just in time to be kicked out. When I were I lad, I remember labs being open 24 hours, mutter mutter...