(no subject)

Jan 06, 2005 22:56

Well, I'll start with the news that all y'all probably want to hear. I told Ashley about an hour ago that I wanted to take a break. She's hurt and mad but I expected, and deserve it. We're still going to be friends though, I can't completely let go of her. She's calling tomorrow so I can talk with her about it even more.

Now on to better news. I'm doing a speech in English on what not to say to/call a gay person and what to call them. This is what I have so far.

*Are you gay?- Do not whatsoever go up to a person and ask them if they're gay, no matter how stereotypical they may act.
*Faggot/Fag- A fag is a cigarette, not a person.
*Fruitcake- Last time I checked they weren't a fruit or a cake. If that changes, please inform me.
*Homo- You're just going to look stupid if you call them that. They know that they're homo, they don't need to be reminded.
*Fairy- No magical powers, not able to fly, don't exactly qualify.
*Dyke- Now, I know you may see lesbians call eachother dykes, but that doesn't apply to you, unless they give you permission. When a lesbian calls another lesbian a dyke it is rarely used in a derogetory manner. Commonly, when straight people call a lesbian a dyke they will take offense to it.
*Fudgepacker- Don't, just don't. Unless they work in a fudge factory packing fudge into little boxes don't even attempt to call them one.
*Don't mimick them by creating your own lisp.
*Don't stereotype. At all. Not all gay men are feminine and not all lesbians are butch.
*That's gay- Unless you want a speech on it, I suggest you don't say it.
*Not all women with short hair means they're a lesbian. Period.
*Gay, Faggot, Fag, ect. are NOT to be used in a derogetory adjective form, for example "This paper is gay". Do not treat them as one.
*They did not choose to be gay, so lay off.

If any of you have issues with these descriptions or want to see something added, please let me know. I would like to cover all the bases with this.

Peace, love and all that...
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