Nov 17, 2008 23:09
Okay, so here's what would happen...
There would be this super fantastic sumo wrestler-esque ring (made of coral) all set up for the amazing battle, right? And all of their little seacreature friends would be filing in so that they could watch the sheer awesome that is about to go down....and, and, and......
BOOM! A yeti in a diving suit would show up right as they begin fighting, and he would chainsaw them both with his amazing underwater...well, chainsaw. Then all of the little seacreatures would bow down to this amazing beast, and he would demand that they crown him king.
Well, I kind of lost myself there, so I don't have any more. So, come up with your own ending! Yay for creativity!!
ahem, anyway.....
giant squid,
writer's block,