As of tonight

Mar 18, 2009 03:20

I am officially a Melvin Jones Fellow. I pledged a total of $1,000 to Campaign Sight First II a few years ago, and last month, fulfilled my pledge with my last $300 check. This evening (Tuesday, I haven't been to bed yet), I was presented with my plaque and pin by PCC Robinson, who is also our regional chair for CSFII.

I have to brag on my club a little. We are a small club, with roughly 45 members, about 30 of which are active to various degrees - attending at least one meeting per month. Several of our more active members are over 55, a couple north of 75. The club is 42 years old. We are the most consistently 100% club in our district, often 200% or more. We have raised over $32,000 for CSFII. We have the highest percentage of Melvin Jones Fellows in the district, and we are about to hopefully elect the 7th member of our club to eventually become district governor (he'll serve the upcoming year as Vice District Governor, then the following year as DG). Three years (I believe) after his wife served in that capacity.

I am a member of a club to be seriously proud of, and I am definitely that.
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