Sep 24, 2005 19:05
In a complete twist of events, my brother and I actually get along and are more civil and friendly towards each other than I am with my parents, or at least my Dad. And I'm glad my bro and I are at this point in our growing sibling relationship; because my bro deserves for me not to be a bitch him sometimes and to take stuff out on him.
I played Gauntlet Legends on our T.V. for like 45 minutes the other night.
Today I saw this on the table written in large letters on a regular sized piece of paper:
"Do not use our TV for computer games. Use your own TV for that."
Right, Dad. Well, at least I can play VIDEO games on the TV.
There were also some other notes spread out over the community areas of our house that boiled my blood.
Where did this come from Dad? Why are you being unreasonable? Now I truly can understand what my brother has been telling me about our father.
I need to get out of here. At least my brother and I are getting out together.
This is ridiculous, right now, I don't even want to come home for Thanksgiving or Christmas. Way to go, Dad, you screwed it up with another daughter.