
Jan 06, 2006 06:32

glad yesterday is over. midnight threatened to put me in the ER again as i couldn't really lay straight and had trouble walking. there is something to be said for pain though. i woke up this morning more appreciative of things anyway, the pink sky.

interested today in the history of how bathrooms have been used in the movies, but probably won't be by lunchtime...

unrelated -

saw "scenes from a marriage" last night. didn't like it much, one long pyschic meandering, but maybe it's 'cause i was grumpy. here's an idea, lets film two people talking and call it a movie. maybe then people like richard linklater wll be inspired to do the same. i dunno, maybe there's more to it that i missed, and there are some things it made me think about:

a) it reminded me very much of a woody allen film. i wonder if bergman was an influence of his?
b) it made me certain once and for all that there are limits to how open people can be. in real life that relationship wouldn't have made it to the third "scene"
c) "we are mental illiterates!" haha
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