Jul 25, 2007 22:11
You know, a lot of those long posts aren't written in one sitting, but that I come back to them? Long attention span I have not.
Because I have been deemed Not Good Enough to Think About Certain Things (also known as "shut up little girl and play with dolls. these are adult things we speak of." and what irks me is that the adult things are not bills or something that needs a specialized knolwledge, and also, the people in question (person, really) are not exactly hurrying anywhere so there is plenty of time for everyone to develop their thoughts to a (semi)logical conclusion, and it is not a fucking monologue, or a pathetic little blog in a cobwebbed corner of the internet (points to "lionore", and this thing is as dead as the shriveled contents of our president's brains). The last sentence was a run-on, but I digress. Or, a collumn in a newspaper, but really, even collumnists get answers. Okay, these parallels are flawed because collumnists can throw them out.
To put it simply, this little theory of mine, the disintegration of the "family" (in the traditional sense) is not merely caused by the emancipation of women, but by the rabid "oh, I have to find my true love NOW NOW NOW" dogma that so many people adhere to. And also, by women thinking that they are worth nothing without the fairy tale romance and family, and therefore pushing men to do things (in the cases where the women actually are pushy). And by the way, many men are now more macho due to the emancipation, just to prove something to everyone.
Second point of theory, which is just a counterpoint to the theory of the person who wants to develop and present his thoughts in peace, is that men, who are used to the idea of submissive women, percieve equality as the woman dominating. Men not dominating (the natural order of things) is unnatural and wrong and the women are dominating. Duh.
I dislike feminism, anti-feminism, and all permutations of these fucking words. All theorists on these matters, including myself, should be taken out and s-mothered in fluffy kittens (wide vaguely psychotic grin).
Also, Closet Skeletons (while I do not by any means suggest hiding them) should be acknowledged as such, and not acts/words of valiance.