(no subject)

Apr 28, 2008 21:38

How convenient! LJ saves my notes from when the silly lady in Payroll insisted that I close my browser *right then*.

Just shy of 6 pounds of fish wasn't quite enough. I do have a box of leftovers in the fridge, but they're definitely picked-over and full of salt; more easy-to-access-during-dinner fish would have been good. We had fifteen people, so perhaps this isn't surprising.

Three apple's worth of charoset was quite sufficient, when we also had the sephardic version. The sephardic version was *definitely* worth making, and quite popular.

I should get two bottles of horseradish next year, or actually make some. One was sufficient in quantity, but had logistical problems, and people were restricting their maror intake. That's just a shame.

Given all of the other food, two batches of cookies was more than enough for the seders. I ran out Thursday, though.

Five pounds of smallish potatoes will give me more than enough peels for two batches of the veggie stock. Five points of potatoes are *way* more than people will eat mashed.

As usual, too much parsley. Just get one bunch. Really. Even when making a double-batch of stock.

The Bete Noire is still popular, and worked just fine with the untempered chocolate.
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