Texture Chop
Well, this week's theme is probably a little different, as it is my first post as a mod and I am nervous. Your mission is to make icon(s) that focus on a texture chop. What we're looking for is that the texture you use is not only on the top layer of your picture, but is also stretching from one end of the icon to the other. (Meaning all the way from top to bottom or left to right.) I hope you have fun! x
trekkiemage elwiens lipburst → You can enter up to three (3) icons.
→ Submit entries in NEW SEPERATE POST.
→ Post your icon + direct url.
→ Your icons have to fit LJ standards (100x100px, jpg/png/gif)
→ All effects are allowed (blending, text, textures, etc.).
→ TAG your entry with your username.
→ It's allowed to edit your entry and post alternate icons under the cut.
→ Deadline: SATURDAY 22ND JANUARY (closes when voting is posted).
Suggestions are always welcome and
promotion is always appreciated.