Name: Kristi
Age (13 and above only): 19
Location: Michigan, US
Interests: Literature, keep left signs, bolts, playing the “fall down on the stage” game, Brechting it up, not Oedipusing it up, playing Risk (as Greenpeace… and taking the heart of darkness), Jack the Ripper, Maguire, Victoriana, Bill Sikes, The Waste Land, making up songs with bolts, remaking LotR movies (Frodo the pot), poetry, Lenin the Lemon, building a time machine, heaps of broken images, cello music, l’histoire, the crazy Hamlet song (“Words, words, CRAB!”), random background characters, Irving Washington-Washington Irving, Firefly, Merry Christmas Mr. Bean (a classic ship!), Lollipop Lust Kill, plotting to kill Cicero, Holst-Holst-Holst, random references, theatre in general, crew work, clothing stuffs in the way of frock coat/vests/top hats/bowlers, shoring fragments, History of the World (“Do you care if it falls?” “What?” “The Roman Empire.” “…fuck iiiit.”), costume shops, music of many sorts, the d00mtastic house that was stolen, Ra-Ra-Rasputin, da Moon (rules? Is number one?), storms, having a Holst party, Monty Python, the gumbies, making shit up, books, cardboard Gandalf in the loft, the adventures of Rip Van Winkle, MJP, Latin fun and insults (Tua mater se ostendit, ohhhhh burn, MAIS nubes amo?!?), rope ladders, working in le scene shop, jet plane watch, passing through the dusty thoroughfare.
Three positive adjectives that describe you: Intrigued, self-motivated, dedicated
Three negative adjectives that describe you: Absurd, paranoid, cynical
Write a short description about your personality: Not the friendliest sort, though companionable enough with those whom I know long or satisfactorily enough to trust. I tend to keep to myself and would prefer making any snarky comments under my breath rather than speaking up in class; when I speak in class, I tend to confuse myself. Indeed, I have a tendency to talk and think myself along tangents and forget what, exactly, I was trying to say. I rather like this confusion, and I prefer to follow random paths of thought and connect them as best I can. Generally work hard, though I can be very much distracted at times. Don’t like to have work hanging over my head, though I inevitably do (got to love the “there’s always more to study” state of affairs). Generally civil to others, whether I want to be or not. Er, I tend toward nervousness, likely thanks to stress, and can thus be jumpy, twitchy, or whathaveyou. I like to second-guess myself. And there’s that whole yay-absurdity thing; s’pose that’ll do for now, aye?
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?: I’d like to head over to Europe… Touring the battlefields of WWI would be quite excellent, though I’d really just go for a bit of a change and a sense of the, ah, “elsewhere” vibe, aye.
Song lyrics that you like: (from "First Transformation"/Jekyll & Hyde)
"I must be wise,
I must try to analyze
Each change in me,
Everything I see -
How will it be?
Will I see the world
Through different eyes?
Like a warning light,
Glimmering in red,
Like crimson bloodshed,
Shimmering in red,
Beautiful and strange,
See the colors change
Before my eyes!"
Just out of curiosity, how did you find this community? Cor, don’t actually remember… desolee. O_o
Anything else: NUBES AMO!!! (Fluffy…) Also, a
link that I’ve nothing to do with but am very amused by; link gives WWII as a real time strategy game. Whoooooooo party. Er. I suppose I can recommend reading T.S. Eliot’s
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock or
The Waste Land (which, heywhoa, the cut-text was taken from), and aside from that… Thankee for your time, and have a party?