Hooow does it FEEEEEEL?

Oct 26, 2007 19:56

(With apologies to Bob Dylan)
to be weary to the bone?
Until you pick up the phone,
drag you wife from sleep at friggin' 1 am,
hyperventilate until you're as pale as a ghost,
have the ambulance come to your house and then have your wife drive you to the hospital to save $700-$1000 on an ambulance ride?
Just to find ouuuuuut, 

That was an intersting few hours.  Praying, wondering if it was food poisoning or an abdominal tear, eventually
breaking down in tears.  The *not knowing* was the worst of it.  No matter how I sat or stood or lay down, it didn't lessen or worsen the pain.  The stone, which is now in or just past the bladder, traveled from my left kidney through the ureter to the bladder.  The side-to-front wraparound pain comes from the jagged little stone making that trip.  I've got meds on standby.  (They prescribed Vicodin, but I should be able to avoid taking that.)

So, I missed an easy day at work.  (The team went out to lunch to celebrate October birthdays, plus they took a tour of another department we don't normally see.)  Angela also called in for a sub, because she was equally exhausted.  I didn't even dream when I slept - it was deep and rewarding.

The doctor gave me a paper funnel with a mesh tip.  I will say this: it's a lot better to strain wizz that to strain *to* wizz.  I'm done using the medical term "wizz" now, thank you.

Drink some water or tea or something that doesn't have a lot of industrial chemicals.  I'd ask you to "do this in remembrance of me", but that could bring lightning.  Have a good one.

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