Just the kick in the pants I need to make a change

Apr 11, 2006 21:39

Well, it's in today's local paper and on the news, so I hereby announce that I am part of something bigger than myself. As of October 1st, I'll be One of The Downsized. B of A is closing half a dozen call centers, including Colorado. It's the biggest local layoff (aprx. 670 people) since 1998.

We got six months' notice, which beats the hell out of many layoffs. I've earned two months' severance, and I've made some true friends at this job over four years. Those of us who didn't flake out and split yesterday had a huddle, and we plan to stay to the end.

Pros: As Dru pointed out some time ago, I'm burned out on over-the-phone customer service after 9+ years. If I find something with a day shift, Angela and I can become reacquainted. In two months, the call center will hold a job fair. In the meantime, I've gotta blow the dust off my resume. Being laid off always looks better than being fired.

Cons: I can't do foodservice again. My mouth will get me physically injured. (It almost happened twice that I can recall.) I *can* do retail, but the drop in pay's gonna hurt for a while.

Most likely, I'll jump to the nearest call center hiring. If I could afford a school loan, I'd like to go back to school for graphic arts/design.
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