Next time, you can just pass me by if you want

Mar 13, 2006 02:28

So, I visit family in Pueblo, Colorado. Having my two brothers and two sisters in one place happens about every five years. The night before, I had just a little sinus pressure. At about 4 p.m., I start to feel more pressure and nasal congestion, and I write it off as my cat allergy. The SweetMeet (tm) was great, and Angela and I went home.

By 6 pm, I have big-time chills and muscle soreness. The first thermometer reading shows 99.4. Eh. I lie down for about an hour, and when I wake up my temperature is 102.4. What in the HELL? My face feels hot, but I don't feel as bad as 102.4 is supposed to feel. (Drugsdrugsdrugs.) Angela goes Florence Nightingale on me, and I get all mushy/vulnerable. (The fever probably exacerbated that.)

Another hour, and the fever *breaks*. I'm perfectly happy when illness doesn't give me quality time. By this morning, the whole thing settled into one of my standard two-and-a-half-day head colds. There wasn't any nausea, so I don't think it was a food reaction. Maybe it happened because authorities have ordered Michael Jackson to shut down Neverland.
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