Disclaimer: None of these characters are mine.
Title: La Bella Luna et la Bête
Characters: Luna and whoever the beast turns out to be
Summary: Based on the fairy tale Beauty and the Beast.
Rating: G
A/N: Parts 1-3:
The Merchant’s Quest The Beautiful Moon The Constant Proposal (
Part Four: The Magic Garden )
You know, odd as it sounds, I wonder how a slash fairy tale would be. You know, Sirius as the beauty and Remus as the beast?
You should totally write that!! It's not a fairy tale, but that scenario sort of reminds me of this fic by penknife, which is an AU featuring Remus as Jane Eyre and Sirius as Mr. Rochester. It sounds cracky, but for me it really works.
Sirius is definitely better as the blustery royal half. :D
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