Ru models that shirt that arrived a while back. Yet another awesome
hitasura creation. Also some cute involving Gin, who promptly stole the shirt from his boyfriend. Gin needs new eyebrows and beveled eyes so that light can actually enter into his eyes so he no longer will have that creepy dark-side-of-the-moon thing happening.
Ru needs faceup v3.0. Gin needs a fur wig in a nice rich red. Hmm.
Frankie says relax. She needs more pictures too, if only she will hold still long enough. Argh, cats.
On another note, I am working on a depressing/melodramatic story. It's horrible. But at least I am writing, right? Is it better to write utter trash vs. nothing at all? Maybe I should revert to fanfiction for a while... at least that way there is less pressure.
I apologize for my utter uselessness tonight...<3