Meme! fun time

Nov 19, 2006 22:52

Meme Time:
Comment and I'll give you a letter; then you have to list 10 things you love that begin with that letter.
After, post this in your journal, and give out some letters of your own.

I was generously gifted the letter M!

And now, in no particular order, things I love that begin with M:

1. Milky Taro! (Okay, that’s probably cheating, but.. .it’s M for Milky!)
2. Monsters (Especially ones with really big teeth)
3. Moulin Rouge (Sigh, angst!)
4. Moths (Especially the really big ones)
5. Mandarin Oranges
6. M (Is an awesome friend of mine.)
7. Marvel (Okay, only sometimes... and mostly the X-Men. But there’s an M in that too!)
8. Matthew Good (This guy's music is one of my greatest ongoing formative experiences. Look him up!)
9. Masks (Especially scary ones, or transformation masks of Raven)
10. Mustangs (Specifically the 1969 fastback >w<)

silly, meme

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