Shopping Mall Japan has sent me the largest box I've ever seen TWO FUR WIGS contained in. Why they felt it necessary to ship TWO FUR WIGS in a huge box and charge me $17 for shipping is beyond me, but I guess I shouldn't ask so many questions of the universe. Anyway, I'm over it, because they are quite nice fur wigs, and this pleases me.
I think I am slightly obsessed with Gin's neck and shoulder.
cheappropaganda's take on my boys:
± melissa.exe says:
aw they do match!
± melissa.exe says:
ru wants to kill
± melissa.exe says:
gin looks quite angelic
You know, she might be right. But whatever's going on here, they're both in on it.
The younguns were doing what they do, which is be cute little emo-puppies. Saph has settled on brunette and doe-eyed. (And mysteriously, his previous silver wig almost fits his little bro, who also inherits his too small blue eyes.)
They make me happy, even if they are the sad club. It's the pout.
I ought to take some pictures that are more creative sometime ^^;;.