
Mar 12, 2005 19:44


ok, so there is this program on Bravo, where they are going over, like the top 100 scariest films or whatever.
They just got done talking about "Texas chainsaw massacre" and you know, showing icky scenes and talking about the genious part being that it gave the audiance time to picture what happend in their minds.
So it's gross right? and infact they just kind of showed a guy smacking another guy in the head with a hammer....

Ok, here is where it gets funny,

they cut to a commercial, but you know, before it does...heheheheeee...it goes
"Brought to you part by DISNEY!!!!!!"

MAWWHAHAHAHAHAHAAA! I find that Freaking funny!
I could barely pay attention to what they were saying for I was laughing at the irony of it.

Here they go showing gross stuff of the scariest movies and its brought to you in part by fluffy, nice disney...

sorry I can't help but laugh!

I guess you had to of seen it. I mean they go to that then cut to disney where they talk about fluffy goodness.....

Julie, the actor that played Drusilla in Buffy is on the program talking about some various movies (and Amber Brenson as well)
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