I will probably look back on this point in my life one day and wish that I had recorded more events, thoughts, and ideas down so that I could remember them forever. Maybe. Another part of me feels like I will never think about this again with regret. Who knows? My life is going to have plenty more memories that I will want to keep forever
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Well I'm going to try to stick to what I plan on doing, which is to update a lot more. My last entry didn't get any comments, so I'm pretty sure that everyone of my friends on here have either left or forgot about me. Meh, whatevs, I do this to keep track of my life and what I am thinking at the time
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First thing first: Look at my avatar. Look at that man. Look at that beautiful fucking man. No, my Serj love is not gone, and it never will be. You'll see. I'll get the last laugh when I marry him. All of you haters are invited
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Wow, I seriously have not updated in forever. So much has happened in these past few months. I graduated, Michael Jackson died, I got accepted to WVU, Billy Mayes died, I have a house in Motown, that guy from the tonight show died
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Now,I think that my life left off with me being in love with my guy friend. I have thought this through,and I throughly believe that I was smashed when I said that, as well as when I wrote that entry. TJ and I are a completely horrific match, and we should never attempt anything ever ever again. Lesson re-learned: DO NOT DRINK TEQUILA
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