so yea..

Feb 07, 2004 00:32

ok.. today was odd to say the least.. did alot of cleaning.. organizing but didnt get it all done before mommie got home.. and she didnt kill me!! whooo hooo

chatted with "Tony" tonight.. and we had a really cool conversation.. like we used to have.. I feel alot better about things and glad we can be friends.. he really made me laugh.. something he hadnt done in a long time..

why do they keeping saying future man on this cartoon?!?!

anyways.. watched ROH Do or Die from may 03.. my mom likes Scott more and more everyday.. and so do i LOL..

>>>they keep saying FUTURE MAN!! ARGHHHHHHH<<<<<

ok.. so while i was cleaning.. I found the pics from the first 3pw show.. and that's where I first met P & S.. oh my gosh.. me and Kelly that night.. good times.. good times.. speaking of that phrase.. I wonder how Sherilyn is.. I havent talked to her since like august and havent even tried to get ahold of her since then.. hmm maybe I'll try to give her a call or something over the weekend. just to see what she's been up to...

Ray has been rewriting the words to a certain song.. he's got problems.. lol.. but then again.. dont we all?? LOL..


ARGH they did it again!!

alright.. back to this entry..just about everyone but me, Des and Jan are going to the World 1/CZW double header.. which is fine with me.. I have alot coming up in like the next 7 weeks.. which is like insane!!! I'm gonna get as much work in and get my ass in gear.. I really wanna travel again this summer.. and wanna do it myself.. ya know.. not by myself. i wanna have my kick ass friends with me.. :)

OH.. josy informed me of the Raven spreading his wisdom cruise going on.. I would prob jump off that boat.. lol.. let me tell you.. I do wanna get on the boat.. just NOT that one!! YEAAAAAHHH :)

OK.. the pro bowl is this weekend.. 6 Rams have been selected.. including my double main man MARC BULGER BABY!!
Bitch ass Mcnabb and Favre are injured.. whoooooooo (not Farve) so Marc def gets alot of playing time!! OH YEA Baby!! GO NFC!! :) although *someone* claims its not a real football game.. blah to him..

anyways.. I gotta finish cleaning.. and get to sleep.. got the sweet midday shify of 12-8 tomorrow.. whooo baby.. no open no close.. all is good..
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