tcpdump on iPhone

Jun 21, 2015 21:42

The easiest way to run tcpdump or Wireshark of iPhone/iPad/i* data without an Apple developer account or messing with iTunes. Entirely from the command line.

  1. Connect your iPhone/iPad/whatever to your Mac using USB cable.
  2. Determine the the device identifier (UDID):
    system_profiler SPUSBDataType | awk -F: '/ iP/{Found=1} /Serial/{if(Found) print "UDID:" $2; Found=0}'
  3. Create a system interface (on a Mac) attached to the device:
    rvictl -s UDID
  4. Use tcpdump -i rvi0 (or rviN, generally).


[vlm@nala:~]> system_profiler SPUSBDataType | awk -F: '/ iP/{Found=1} /Serial/{if(Found) print "UDID:" $2; Found=0}'
UDID: 38d0f91a99c57d189416439ce377ccdcd92639d0
[vlm@nala:~]> rvictl -s 38d0f91a99c57d189416439ce377ccdcd92639d0
Starting device 38d0f91a99c57d189416439ce377ccdcd92639d0 [SUCCEEDED] with interface rvi0
[vlm@nala:~]> tcpdump -i rvi0 -s0 -n port 80
Check here if you want a super-quick crash course to tcpdump:

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