Apr 20, 2006 22:02
oh aw be amazed i'm updating for the thrid time this week!!
Isn't that AMAZING!! lol...ANYWAYS, i hope everyone is doing alright. I'm okay, i asked my boyfriend something major today...AS you should know my boyfriend is internet relationship, (the fun...NOT) Anyways, he has been looking for a job, and at the same time we were trying to figure out a way to met this summer. SO i had a bilrant brain storm, and somehow got up the courage to ask him if he wanted to come down here to find a job and that way we could spend all summer together. *GULP* He said it's something to think about...whatever that means, lol....But he did promise he'd tell me soon, he has to find the local job openings around here. I really really hope this works, because if it does then i'll quite possibly be the most happy girl in all the world...lol...WEll i'm exhausted from being put to work this afternoon...(the next time i want to sign up for prom commitee SHOOT ME!! lol)
I've been working my tail off to get this Prom ready..It's going to be pretty awesome though...(AHHH gotta go,)
Love you all,