May 04, 2009 11:01
What's going on?
- 21:15 Lost my iPod all day today and it was under my nose all the time*sighs* #
- 21:23 @ niallok Not necessarily, it's good for some mindless violence, I liked it(I like mindless violence in the films I see) #
- 21:24 Music is v. important to me #
- 21:32 Yay, finished Bernarda Alba last night, now reading Death of a Salesman, hooray for Arthur Miller #
- 21:58 @ Wossy Nite nite. Mr.Ross :) #
- 22:06 How 'Viva Laughlin' would have worked, transplant the character Nicky Fontana to the UK format of the show #
- 22:09 As a guy muscling in on Ripley Holden(David Morrisey)'s son's stomping ground, it's up to Ripley to help him, oh and DI Carlisle turns up #
- 22:09 Voila, instant hit #
- 22:12 @ TheDoctorsFairy noble_siofra, sounds good :) #
- 22:24 Could I see Hugh Jackman as the converse wearing Ivan Elbisivni, why yes, yes I can :) #
- 23:18 Wow, a song that I alway associated with Wolvie in a fanvid(Bodies-Drowning Pool) #
- 23:28 I'm asking, why the hell not make Wolverine an R rated film, pump up the violence baby, oh yeah #
- 00:11 Oh dear, someone isn't happy with Wolverine (spoilers) #
- 00:15 My thoughts exactly #
- 00:17 @ JClark Total agreement, hope there is one ^_^ #
- 00:22 Wolverine art awesomness that I found on deviantart(damn you guys are talented :) #
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