Got one of those Sony readers for myself for Christmas. And of course got the Doctor Who boxset and soundtrack for series 4. Along with other stuff. Someone else gave me a portable DVD player, was thrilled, it was from a friend.Along with CDs and other DVDs and perfume. And calendars......lots of calenders(including a Doctor Who and David Tennant one*squee*)
Watched Shakespere and Me, King Lear, and Just about to tuck into some Othello goodness, joys
Watched Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire on RTE Two, DT as Barty Crouch Jr.(*squee*) Doctor Who at 6. Doctor Who Confidential afterwards and a top 5 after that along with Shakespere and Me. Phew, am pooped from looking at gorgeousness and am going to bed:) .
Merry Christmas:)