Well, writing up the Sanctuary fic now. Thankfully on chapter 3 now. However, ran into a bit of problems due to the fact that I didn’t write opening dialogue for chapter 3, so working on that now. Not publishing it until I have a bulk of it done, and there’s the editing, I’m constantly editing it. Got my DVD(finally)from HMV
In terms of my other fanfics…they’re there, I just have to get back to writing them. Have a cracking Being Human fic planned. Also I had got a fanfic planned with my character Crystal and the 11th Doctor which I had to put on hold until the series was over. Now that I know what happens, it’s safe to say that the fic can go ahead.
I have also started back making fanvids (my media player wouldn’t work for me before this, and I really wanted to do a good few fanvids)
Have one vid up already on Youtube
Henry Foss- Howl
Click to view
As well as that, I can say what other ones I have in my head to do. Am planning a ‘Little Lion Man’ fanvid featuring George from Being Human, Also Am going to do a fanvid with the 11th Doctor, Rory and Amy to the song ‘Remember When’ by the Heathers.The next one I have planned to do is ‘My Life Would Suck Without You’ by Kelly Clarkson for 11th Doctor and Amy. And finally, a bit of a multi fandom vid to Parry Gripp’s song ‘Nom nom nom nom nom nom nom’ featuring George/Mitchell/Henry/11th Doctor /10th Doctor. For fun.