Am off on a reading week this week. Have to get an assignment done and have a presentation to do, so not so much time off this week.
Watched Being Human season 2 for the last couple of weeks on BBC Three. Thought that all the series was brilliant, can't wait to see the season finale next Sunday. Will be putting up a review in genteral of the series sometime, episode by episode on this blog, so watch out for that. Am looking forward to getting the soundtrack and the DVD of the series when it comes out. Got my hands on the Being Human books. They look good I have to say.
Yes, those are fingerless gloves
Although, I won't be getting to them just yet as I'm reading 'Stolen' by Kelley Armstrong, great stuff
In other news, there has been a new 3D trailer for Series 5 of Doctor Who released. And from the looks of it, it looks brilliant (time though will tell) It is going to be starting airing in April(even though this trailer says Easter)
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In other Doctor Who news, finished watching 'The War Games', 'Frontier in Space'(my first full Delgado story) and 'Planet of the Dead'. Am now watching 'The Masque of Mandragora'.(Tom Baker FTW ^_^). Finally got my hands on 'Planet of the Dead', that David Tennant story was so hard to get a hold of. Have also 'Inferno', 'The Deadly Assasin' (which I've seen on TV) and the E-Space trilogy to watch on DVD.
Have a little bit of funny stuff now for you, courtesy of Tony Coburn (timelordfromhell) and Thomas Rees Kaye(themastercrevasse)
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Sky Anytime is selecting some bizzare programmes this weather. One of which being 'Pinapple Dance Studios'. I honestly think it's a mockumentary, it has to be. It's so over the top. Also, Sky are bringing back 'House'. Still no word on 'Lie to Me'