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luminous_vibe November 23 2009, 02:12:40 UTC
Are you kidding? Annoy me by talking to me all day? Shit dude I’m so freaking excited you guys haven’t gotten annoyed with me and my crazy, I’ll talk forever. I’m glad you like talking ‘cause none of my friends do. Also I’m screwing with Aimi’s set again and it totally doesn’t need to be changed since I’m not using her yet so conversation is the best distraction ^.^

And I would never give up on Japan! ^.^ They’re too much fun. Exibit A. I don’t think I will ever find something so interesting until Americans get a clue. J-Rock was such a god-send for me because seriously, good music is hard to come by unless you know someone who actually listens to it and no one around here does that. >_< Stupid Californian teenagers.

Hyde would make a good fae. I was thinking about it because I have way too much time on my hands so if you do use him, I vote fae ^.^

I love Japanese names. They’re so much fun. I was really sad to kill off Naki because his name was awesome and. Is it sad that the only reason I liked him was for his name? Really Naki was an asshole that’s why Aimi killed him. Zira… that’s a cool name too though even if it’s not Japanese. I like how it sounds when I say it.

I’m all excited now. I’m so ready for the fangirling. Most of my friends who like Gackt won’t watch it because they don’t like vampires and my friends who like Hyde won’t watch Kagen no Tsuki for random reasons so I’m like… need conversation about these movies guys! >_< I think you’ll like them though.

Dude Gackt knows just how to work his fangirls! I swear the man drives us insane on purpose. I read a translation of his audio biography and he’s just hilarious! And then there’s the fanservice which is like *death*. I love it so much, these bands all make me happy to be a girl so I can enjoy it properly ^.^

That’s kinda how I felt about Phantasmagoria when they broke up. They’d all been hanging out for years writing music and stuff together and it was amazing and a lot of people loved them and then it was like nevermind, we don’t want to be in a band together anymore. What the hell guys!


luminous_vibe November 23 2009, 02:13:39 UTC
Also, yes it's been great. I got a new book and I didn't have to do the dishes and my knees stopped hurting finally so I'm all happy happy, how about you?


lionelclan November 23 2009, 02:30:43 UTC
I am willing to talk. :D I will totally yap away about anything and everything .:D Bring it on man--from the most interesting topics to the most mundane. But please dude--lets steer away from the boring stuff. :D I don't want my own inner kid to die just yet. ^_^

Who in the world did I just watch? That was the cutest thing I have ever seen--holy crap. :D I'm sure you could hear my girly giggles from all the way over there--fuck, I bet THEY could hear me. :D See? That is cute. Screw American music...I want the videos with horses and those costumes--god! I love it.

Dude you can make him. :D Go for it--he would be good for a pooka with the wings tattoo. Because pookas have parts of their animal in their human form--Joey's ears--so it'd be fitting for him to be a bird of some sort and have the wings on his back as part of that and not just a tattoo. :D Just so you know. :D

I love them too! Zira...just so you know...is banging Kisho. Yeah that's the behind the scenes shit you don't get to see. :D Just like Shiki and Daichi aren't just friends. That sounds so horrible. :D I love the name Aimi too--I love how you made that a Japanese name. :D Reuse Naki dude--its too good a name to pass up. It really really is.

Aimi killed him! She's a dick too. :D You have a way with the assholes, dude.

Oh I will love it--I already think so. I know so--I'm going to adore it. :D I can't wait to watch it--school is a bitch so its like "do homework, write INTFA, sleep...start over" So once break starts Wednesday, I will have time. :D

I want to see this set you are working on.:D I love looking at graphics.

Oh man--fanservice. I hate them for it because I love it. :D I hate to love it so much--because I KNOW its them working the crowd, putting on the show. But it works...oh man does it work. I hate how much it works because I'm like 'I swear I'm not that ahh...ditzy or stupid-girly...but god can you kiss him again because that was hot.' :D Haha.

Oh they broke up? :( How long were they together. Its weird how that happens--do you pretend it didn't? :D

Why was your knee hurting? What book!!?!! My day has been okay--I've got stress with school and its making me wigged out. But I am good at least--weirdly so. Its supposed to snow on Wednesday. So I'm so stoked right now. :D


lionelclan November 23 2009, 02:31:54 UTC
Zira is also the empress of the mages in Japan--that's her name. Zira Katsu. It wasn't much of a scandal until I added that part. :D Haha.


luminous_vibe November 23 2009, 02:58:34 UTC
I have no idea what that band is because it’s written in freaking kanji and I never learned that but I’ve been watching that video obsessively for about a week now. I like the drummer ^.^

O.O Can I really? I don’t want to take him if you want to use Hyde.

I love how you said that! OMG the only other person I’ve ever heard use the word banging is my big brother. Also, to tell you the truth I had a feeling that Shiki and Daichi weren’t just friends. It wasn't a very strong feeling because I didn't see a lot of signs but there were a few points where I was reading and went “… wait a minute…”

Aimi’s just like that though. Seriously she was a really big bastard with a wand and all that and… wow I just realized I was about to try and justify my character’s assholeishness. There’s a whole backstory with them though and her killing him was justified kinda. You’re right though, she’s still a dick ^.^ She likes hearing people scream. I feel weird for being so proud of her but she’s like my favorite character ever so sorry if I’m randomly gushing about her to you.

Do you want some of my free time? I have plenty, I can probably stuff some in a box or something and send it over.

>_< I’m embarrassed though! I hate making graphics for Aimi because I’m never satisfied with the way it comes out. I’ll show you when I’m finished... I’m almost done actually so ya…

Dude I love when people do that play facing each other thing. I lean really close to the screen and go ‘OMG lean forward and kiss him damn it!’ I’m in the same boat as you, I don’t freak out that much watching YouTube and then someone hints at fanservice and I’m like ‘wow that was sexy do it again please?’

They were together for… I think it was two or three years. They broke up in 2007 and I’m still listening to their music constantly. They’re one of my favorite bands and I follow their solo projects now kinda too. I totally sit there and pretend they’re still together though, I was majorly depressed when they announced it.

Well my knee randomly acts up because water polo goalies generally fuck their knees up unless you take care of them very carefully and well… no one gave me this information until they were already shot all to hell. So when it starts getting cold they still act up every so often and it probably didn’t help that I went on an epicly long bike ride yesterday. My mom went to the book store and got me Lord Foul’s Bane by Stephen R. Donaldson. It’s the first of a series that I’ve been wanting to read for a while so I’m excited ^.^

I’m sorry to hear about school though. Do you have a lot of homework to do and everything? Also, yay snow! ^.^ Even though it’s there and I’m here I get excited for snow.


lionelclan November 23 2009, 03:11:22 UTC
Of course you can--I don't mind. :D I have a lot of characters as is and I've written my fair share of fae before too. :D Do it--there are plenty of others to pick from ^_^

You would think that would have been obvious to us too--but no. :D Haha. We didn't realize until this whole story thing that those two had a little more going on--then again, we hadn't really written them until now. I love them--I think they are so great together. :D Its so stupid and I hate gushing too because I'm like no one else gives a shit. :D But whatever--I love Shiki and Daichi. :D I think they are super cute--it kills me that we never got to put them on a graphic because of their faces. :D

Dude tell me about her--I don't mind at all. I want to hear. :D You listen to me yap all the time about our people--I want to hear about yours. Everything has a backstory to it--you can never fully get all of it unless you write it but I would like to try. :D It doesn't bother me in the least to hear about it--yap away. Tell me. :D

If you're giving it away, do it man. :D I'll take it. I've got a paper and a presentation and fucking HARD test in Calculus all on Tuesday. I'm worried about it all and I keep putting it off and I know I'm going to get even more work tomorrow night and its going to be like...crap. And its already ten now and I'm not asleep. I should be but I'm not. Yay for coffee? Yes...coffee indeed. ^_^

The thing about fanservice is you can watch it over and over again and it never gets old. It could be a four second clip but you make it last an hour. :D Its just so good...haha. :D I don't even know why--it just is. :D It makes me happy--even if I've seen it over and over again, if I see it in the related videos, I'm like ACK! Yay!!!!! :D Haha

Don't be embarrassed about the set dude. :D I'm sure its great.

I read about this epic bike right. :D How do you stop it from hurting then? Lots of rest and Motrin? Dude are you good? :D That is really cool--the idea of water polo just floats over my head. The closest I got to water polo was listening to them talk about it on The OC. :P We don't play that kind of stuff here.

Have you started it yet? Is it good so far? I wish I could ready stuff. I feel like I don't have time to do it justice--I would just skim through just to get it done.

I'm going to take a picture of it I think. I'll put it up. :D If its good--I hope it doesn't disappoint. Usually we get snow on Thanksgiving. Quite a bit so I hope that happens again this year. :D

Look at KAZ up there...being adorable. :D I love Hyde's dimples, by the way. That is the cutest thing ever. :D


luminous_vibe November 23 2009, 03:36:45 UTC
So erm... Avi and siggy. Her's are always the simplest ones I make and they always take hours >_< frusterating.

Oh man I love Shiki and Daich too. They’re fun characters when they’re not trying to kill Shiro (whom I adore!). Who are their faces btw, I don’t think I ever knew.

Aimi’s so much fun ^.^ I’m actually really excited to move her over to Eastern with you guys. I think she’ll be better as a vampire than a witch because she’s got that evil bitch thing going really well. She has odd mood swings though sometimes which I haven’t quite figured out yet. Freaking characters with their minds of their own…

Oh man THAT sounds like it sucks! What’s with teachers piling all the shit on right before holidays? Do they give you homework over break too because that’s just not cool if they do >_< I don’t drink coffee though so I’m going to have to trust you on that yay coffee thing. ^.^

I actually can’t take Motrin. I’m allergic to Ibuprophen and Aspirin and related stuff so I get to either deal with it or take like five Tylonols. Haha medication spelling fail! ^.^ I usually put a heating pad on them and it makes it better after a while but my mom stole mine recently. I haven’t actually played in about a year (God I miss it so much) so I’m pretty out of shape now but I was pretty good ya. I wasn’t fantastically amazing or anything but I could block maybe 70% of the balls thrown at me when I was paying attention.

I haven’t started it yet. I’m saving it until that magical time of night when there’s nothing on TV and no one online and then I’m going to read myself to sleep good old fashioned style ^.^ I haven’t been able to actually sit down and read something for hours for a few weeks so I’m excited.

My Grandma always used to send us pictures of the first snowfall every year because she knew we were like snow? What’s snow? I envy you and your white winters dude.

Hehe, KAZ is totally adorable. I neglected him in my fangirling earlier I feel bad now, poor guy. And Hyde... well you know I love them ^.^ It’s not fair that they’re like 40 and still so freaking cute.

Man my conversational skills are getting weak shit now -_- sorry I'm like Bleh.


lionelclan November 23 2009, 04:00:00 UTC
I LOVE the quote. :D Holy crap I love that--and I like manipulations you did on the signature. :D They're not crappy dude--you did a good job. :D

They are fun--I wish would could go into loads more detail about them. But it would end up being an entire story about Daichi and Shiki and Nori and that might get rather boring for you guys. :D Daichi is Reita and Shiki is Aoi...we're unaware that that was a big JRock pairing--that was just a glorious bonus. ^_^

Dude I actually procrastinated. :D Not their fault--this stuff was assigned a while ago. I just got lazy...I'm retarded like that. :D Go me. ^_^

No worries about being not talkative--I'm getting tired myself so I'm going to turn in pretty soon. It sucks that you're allergic to all that. :( I can only take Tylenol because I have medicine that I take for anti-immflamtory so Advil and all that junk would be like ODing on it. Tylenol doesn't have that so its prime--I'm sort of addicted to that stuff. It helps me so much--heating pads too. :D I love those things. ^_^

Beach? What's a beach...white sand? Blue water...you mean not everyone has lakes full of grime and greenish/dirty water? No way!! That's how it goes down here--I envy your ocean. :D Haha.

Forty really? God...they look good. :D Oh that was something I was going to say--they don't look Asian to me anymore. When I started getting int othis stuff, I was very much aware that it was an entirely different facial structure. But not anymore--they look exactly the same as the people I see everyday. ^_^ That has nothing to do with age but whatever. :D


luminous_vibe November 23 2009, 04:13:41 UTC
Don’t you love when stuff like that happens? Like with Aimi and Naki, I didn’t know at the time that Gackt and Mana like hate each other ^.^ It’s so much when you find out random things like that after the fact.

Yay for Procrastination! God I do that all the time especially on important stuff. It was funny because my teachers always liked the stuff that I did the night before better than the ones I did when they were assigned. Such is life.

Yes, bed time for Jackie. What time is it there? 11? *poke* Sleep is healthy when you have school the next day. I don’t mind my random allergies usually because I try not to take medication unless I can’t avoid it.

I concede your point. The grass is always greener. Let’s switch, you can come live here and play on the beach and I’ll go there and play in the snow and our parents will never notice! ^.^

Hyde turned 40 this year, I’m not sure about KAZ though. I’ve heard a lot of random stuff about him and his age so idk but I’m going to guess a bit older than Hyde. I wish American’s aged like Japanese people do. To look that good at 40? Damn.


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