Sorry for the long waiting,I am sick ,I have a sinusitis,again.grrr,it's the 6 th sinusitis in 9 month,on friday,I had to do a scanner,but I was too bad.
Wathever,so,on wednesday,we went to scool of-course and we had the same teacher as monday,you know,the man with the longs nails.we made a listening comprehension about Canterbury,because ,later,we went to visit Canterbury.
The school was interesting.After our dance in the railway from last day,the teacher was really fan of our dance,so he asked us to dance the "superman",in front of the classroom.We hadn't the choice,and we danced,me,Lola and Jessica.It was crazy,lol.
The school finished and then,we went to the panini.When we were waiting in the panini "store",Ruby saw some cookies,it was writing:"Ruby's cookie",on the cookie.And she told to the seller:"Oh it's my name",and the man said:"Your name is cookie???"I was cring of laugh.And the we called her cookie.
then,we went to the bus station,and we took the bus.
In the bus we were with italians,they sang some italians songs,and we said,come on,we are famous for doing noise,so we bagan to sing:the lion king,romeo and juliet,anderlecht champion(the football team of our region).but it was fracked.Our teacher of English(I'm going to call him Didi,it's easier.He hate when I call him like that,lol)so,didi sang with the italian,because he's italian,and we said:"Ooooh vendu"it means traitor.
so,we arrived at Canterburry,and we visited a lot of the parts of the city,it was...sometimes interesting,sometimes boring.
then we arrived at the cathedral,Bilen visited it.But everyone else,me too,went shopping,we walked in the city,and in the end,we met the boys who were in the Burger King.I ate an ice cream.
Then,we had to go.We left Caterbury,we were back in Broadstairs.I ent for dinner.I ate...chikens with potatoes.Then,in the evening,it was the kararoke.
In the begining,it was sooo cool,we were with the italians.I sang :You're beautiful,James Blunt and Grace Kelly,Mika.
It was so funny,we sang too Don't cha,for
Even the teachers sang "Pretty woman",we were laughing so much.
and then,I don't know why,when the italians were singing,we applaused,it's normal,but when we were singing,the were booing,frakkers.
We where really near to begin a big fight.
Daphné was really ready.
Even their frakking olds teachers were saying to their students:Oh don't do like them,they're barbarian,wild people.WTF???
But finally we fogot it,and the karaoke finished without incident.
Then,I was K.O,over tired.and I went sleeping.
All the group in Canterbury,I'm right here
A castle in Canterbury
The oldest pub of all the UNited Kingdom of England,please.
The cathedral of Canterbury of-couse.
So a story ,Didi told it to us,he said that when the cathedral was totally build,the priests didn't pay and they refused to pay the workers,so for take vengence,the workers sculpted a naked woman on the arch:
Aaand Starbucks coffee,buckyyyy:
Oh and I want to say a happy easter,because it's the orthodoxe easter,the greek,too,and my mother is greek,so my 2 cousins came,and then we went to my grand parents,my uncle came.And we ate a lot.:o)