I know we're all really on edge for the trailer and probably need to just laugh. So here we go...
-…you refuse to face the fact that Edward is fictional
-…you count down the days until the next book comes out
-…you spend all your time coming up with theories for the next book
-…your standards for men were instantly raised because of Edward
-…you secretly wish your boyfriend was a vampire
-…you accidentally address your dad as his name, like Bella
-…Volvo’s are your new favourite car
-…you quote the books constantly
-…you relate everything… I mean, EVERYTHING, to Twilight
-…you have now started biting people.
-or threatened to.
-…if anyone so much as looks at your books the wrong way, you start screaming at them.
-…if anyone hasn’t read the books, you take it as a personal offence
-…you’ve already planned you and Edward’s wedding
-and handed out the invitations
-…you attempt not to sleep because, if Edward doesn’t need sleep, neither do you.
-…you dress up as a vampire by painting your face white, and putting purple under your eyes, and go out in public.
-…you suddenly find pale boys really attractive
-…all someone has to say to make you cry is “Edward’s not real.”
-…you start thinking really embarrassing thoughts, but immediately stop, fearing that Edward heard you.
-…you fear that someone will turn into a werewolf when they get angry
-…when you fall or trip, you refer to it as a "Bella moment".
-…gold is your new favourite colour, courtesy of Edward's eyes.
-…you welcome rain so that your home can be more like Forks.
-…you pray for Stephenie Meyer to have Bella and Edward end up together.
-…human baseball seems more boring that usual.
-…you carry a Twilight book with you at all times.
-…you will spend hours in front of the computer in Twilight fan groups, or searching for new Twilight information.
-…your sleep schedule is completely reversed due to the all-nighters you pulled to read the books.
-…you try to see what character your family or friends resemble.
-…your lifelong goal is to become a vampire and live with the Cullen’s.
-…you bawled when Edward left.
-and when Edward came back.
-…you now never want to tan, so you can look like a vampire.
-…when you see someone with dark eyes and think, "they must be thirsty."
-…you go back and forth from hating, to loving, to hating Jacob Black.
-…you constantly nag your friends to start reading Twilight, even though they don't need to, since you talk about it so much they know everything that happens.
-…you have to remind yourself to breathe when you think of Edward Cullen
…you would give anything to see Edward sparkle in the sun.
-…you cried when Alice saw Edward planning to die.
-…you wish you could blush like Bella.
-...you constantly wonder whether your blood would be appealing to vampires.
-and secretly hope it is.
-…when someone asks you out, and you say, “Sorry. I’m already dating Edward Cullen.”
-…you’re convinced you are the biggest fan
-and will argue with anyone who begs to differ
-…your notebooks have “Mrs. Edward Cullen” written all over
-…your mom no longer threatens to ground you - but to take away your books.
-…in your mind, serial killers no longer exist. Only newborn vampires do.
-…your heart flutters anytime Edward talks.
-…you want to punch Charlie in the face when he is rude to Edward.
-…you make people read the books, but secretly hope they wont, so the obsession will only be yours.
-…you get very angry when someone says vampires sleep in coffins.
-Or only come out at night.
-Or won't show up in film.
-…you shun anyone who tries to convince you vampires don’t exist
-…you get into fights with your Twilight obsessed fans over which one is going to marry Edward
-…you throw birthday parties for the characters in the books
-…you would gladly trade your life for Bella's, even if that means occasionally being attacked by vampires.
-…when you're cold, you wish you had Jacob.
-…the Twilight books are guarded with your life.
-…you will follow a silver Volvo, convinced that Edward is in it.
-and get very depressed when you realize he’s not.
-…you wish you owned Bella's truck.
-…you attempt at being as graceful as Alice.
-And fail.
-…your future children's names are all names from the books.
-Edward is the sexiest name alive.
-…you've bought several copies of each book to give as future presents to yourself.
-…you've made t-shirts that relate to Twilight.
-…you screamed when Bella kissed Jacob.
-…when you find yourself subconsciously narrating your life.
-…you started using strawberry shampoo
-…you wish you had a Jacob and Edward to fight for you
-…when you read/write, look at/draw Twilight fan fiction/fan art
-…you plan on moving to Forks someday.
-…you HAVE gone to Forks, and searched for the Cullen house
-Edward’s version of Twilight Chapter 1 gives you chills.
-…you are either thrilled that Robert Pattinson is playing Edward, or completely depressed.
-…you're convinced vampires exist, and you're not ashamed of it
-…you love when it is rainy, cloudy, or snowy out, and hate when it is sunny.
-…you check the weather in Forks, when you live no where near it.
-…you introduce yourself to people as Mrs. Cullen
Credit goes to the fbook group "you know you're obsessed with Twilight".