Jul 18, 2008 16:28
Hello all! I'm posting in hopes of obtaining beta services from any number of you wonderful community members. I have a fic that's not exactly finished yet, but it currently stands at three finished chapters out of a projected fifteen, excluding the epilogue. I have a very rough outline of how I would like the story to be fleshed out, and so far I've been staying true to the course. However, a second pair of eyes for spelling, grammar, canon checks, etc. would be immensely helpful. I estimate that this project will take until the end of the summer through the mid-September to complete, at the very latest. I would love it if I could have someone help through that period of time. The fic is an all-human AU, but I do try to remain faithful to the characterization of each person as best as I can. It is tentatively rated R for language and mature themes. If you are interested, I would be more than happy to send you further details. Thank you so much for your help!
[ETA]: Beta found! Thanks to all of you who volunteered to help. You're all very generous!
fanfiction: beta