Aug 26, 2004 17:48
school is cool. i love ma classes. its the shiznit. and alotta my friends from arvida are there freakin, miguel and carlos are there, pedro my old good buddy is there, i mean the list goes on. it just kicks ass. well there is one class im not too fond of...Chemistry. Blah. the bitch calls me "Jonnatin" dumb porteguese accent. peice-o-chit. fuckin eh man, i wanna be called John, is it so hard? and she says Yards like Jards. There was Jotta on the bored and she said Yoda and the class laughed their asses off. She has mood swings too, like a pregnant woman. like my old japanese teacher. One minute shes all nice next thing you know shes going armaggedon on your ass. but hey, i can deal with it. as long as i am getting out of english...YUCKAROOZ. fuckin teacher is a queer, and i mean, major, purple shirt, no testicles, vagina-wielding, broken wrist gay. so yesh im gettin out of that class, and im glad too. maybe ill get maria's 4th period l.a... its so cool man i see maria like everywhere
shes like braided hair...but er good. yeah. maria and I are dawgs. gangsters for life. word. im goin to go watch some paint dry, then i shall go watch an apple brown. word again.