May 16, 2004 16:38
hola every body man i just got done watching Mr.Bean the movie and it really moved me man, I cried so much. lol j/p that movie is bloody hilarious. it just goes to show you, there are so many types of comedy that are hilarious. Theres Physical comedy, Slap-stick comedy, Stand-up comedy, Sarcastic comedy, Stupid comedy, Impersination comedy, Scenario comedy, Self-based comedy, Raunchy comedy, Sexual comedy, Racist comedy, the list goes on and on man! He used Physical and Stupid, which is apperantly a hilaarrriouusss combination heh. Personally I like impersination, scenario, sarcastic and physical comedy...its like the best =D man imin a really fun mood i wanna say racist jokes!
Q: Why is the world alot like jelly beans?
A: Nobody likes the black ones.
Q: Why is Stevie Wonder always smiling?
A: He doesn't know he's black...
Q: Hey did you hear the KKK bought the movie rights to Roots?
A: They're gonna play it backwards so that it has a happy ending.
hahahaha ohh man thats harsh...couldnt help myself tho bwhaha! alright alright ill even it out.
Q:How do you know when your a hick?
A: You know you're a hick when you're looking for a wife at a family reunion.
Q: What did the hick get for christmas?