(no subject)

Sep 06, 2005 16:01

Today has been an off day. It started when i got woken up by Chris' phone call at 11 something...Then i called my Granfathers attourney so i could handle all of that buisness. My phone got turned off temporarilly because of something stupid. So if you need to get in touch with me call me at the house- 267-4665. I should be home mostly the rest of the day. Then i left to go to the attourneys and to the bank. When i got to the bank i didn't really know what to do about the iheritance check because i had to sign some stuff so i asked this lady a couple of questions. Then she asked what kind of check it was and i told her it was an inheritance check she said the worst thing to say at that time.....Oh congradulations, my response to that was umm i guess but not really considering my grandfather passed away and that is why i have this stupid check in my hand. She didn't really know hat to say to that. Then i went to lunch with Justin....Stopped by edison so he could see some of his friends and now i am home about to clean. Well i just realized i just wrote a bunch of random crap so it is time to end it.

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